The use of mulberry mulberry doshaba
 Mulberry doshab

Mulberry doshab - concentrated juice from the fruits of white mulberry, boiled by special technology. All useful properties of mulberry fruits are preserved to the maximum extent., which due to a number of features are not subject to transportation. Because of this, we can use the healing properties of berries, which are processed in an exceptionally useful way - without adding sugar. Let's talk more about how to use syrup from mulberries and its contraindications.

History and production of mulberry doshaba

The history of the doshab begins in the 11th century, when the Turks began to grow grapes and the basics of winemaking. Over time, grape production increased, which contributed to the emergence of new fruit processing technologies. Local chefs have learned how to make doshab, the recipe of which began to be applied to the fruits of other cultures. Especially valuable among them was the mulberry doshab, brewed from the fruits of white mulberry.

The recipe has gradually spread to the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus. Here, depending on the region, there is another name for the product - bekmes (pekmez). The new product is firmly established in the cooking of many nations, especially Azerbaijan.

 Mulberry doshab made from white mulberry fruits
Mulberry doshab made from white mulberry fruits

The ancient recipes of cooking mulberry doshaba today are perfected and are the basis of the mass production of a useful product. The main export of mulberry doshab to Russia is produced by Armenia.

Stages of production of mulberry doshab:

  • squeezing juice from ripe mulberry fruits;
  • heating juice before boiling in copper tinned cauldrons or bee mixers;
  • adding white clay (shirek) to remove toxins and bitterness;
  • upholding and filtering the product;
  • evaporation in special conditions;
  • canning in glass containers.

After this treatment, a sweet mulberry fruit concentrate is obtained, prepared without added preservatives or sugar. This is the basis of the special quality of the product, which is a good alternative to other sweeteners.

Mulberry doshab is an extremely useful product that is used as a homeopathic remedy. It is isolated by the content of only natural sugars: fructose and glucose. Monosaccharides are quickly absorbed into the blood, providing the body with long-lasting energy (265kcal / 100g).

Useful properties of mulberry doshab

Most of the beneficial substances from the white mulberry fruit are preserved in the doshab. First of all, it is a natural phytoalexin - resveratrol, which has anti-swelling, anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective and anti-viral properties. In addition, the fruits contain:

  • malic, citric acid;
  • carotene;
  • vitamins groups B, C, E, PP, K;
  • nitrogenous, tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • trace elements: iron, selenium, copper, zinc;
  • macronutrients: Calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus.

The mulberry doshab has the property of diluting and excreting sputum, clearing the airways of pus and blood particles.. Therefore, the tool is used to treat coughing, cleansing the airways in case of bronchopulmonary diseases.

The high content of iron in the tool helps to treat anemia and other pathologies associated with impaired blood formation. Macroelements strengthen blood vessels, nourish the heart structure. therefore doshab will be useful for hypertension, heart disease, atherosclerosis. This property is especially important in old age, when all the structures of the heart wear out and hardly provide blood circulation.

 It is recommended to take a mulberry doshab on an empty stomach, both in concentrated and diluted in warm water.
It is recommended to take a mulberry doshab on an empty stomach, both in concentrated and diluted in warm water.

Resveratrol is the strongest antioxidant that inhibits the development of free radicals. Their excessive formation leads to the transformation of healthy cells into malignant. This property of doshab is used to prevent cancer or relapse of the disease after a course of treatment. Regular use of doshab will help remove toxins from the environment..

The antibacterial properties of doshab will help with scarlet fever and sore throat, during which the agent is used as an additional treatment to relieve fever. Fatty acids and essential oils are useful in pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by ulcers and erosions.

Mulberry doshab will be useful and healthy people. It nourishes the body with essential vitamins and macronutrients, helping to strengthen the nervous and immune systems, improves blood composition and regulates the functioning of the liver.

Mulberry doshab has no specific contraindications. However, mulberry fruits are obligate allergens, this should be taken into account for people with hypersensitivity of the body.

The quality indicators of the mulberry doshab

Violations during the production, storage or preservation of a doshab can cause a loss of its quality. Besides some manufacturers add sugar to the product or dilute it with water. Therefore, before purchasing a product, it is important to know what a natural mulberry doshab looks like.

A properly brewed mulberry doshab has a thick and thick texture similar to young honey. Prolonged heating of the fruit leads to a change in fructose, which acquires a dark color with an oily sheen. The taste of doshaba is sweet, but not cloying with a long aftertaste. You can check the quality of the doshab, dropping a small amount on a plate, it should not spread.

 The natural syrup of the Mulberry doshab should be thick and not spread
The natural syrup of the Mulberry doshab should be thick and not spread

To guarantee the quality of mulberry doshab better to buy in pharmacieswhere you can visually inspect the facility. The product can also be purchased in online stores of well-known manufacturers who specialize in processing fruits and berries. It is better to refuse offers of unknown distributors.

The natural product does not contain preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers and sugar. The shelf life of mulberry doshaba 2 years. An open product is stored in the refrigerator with the lid tightly closed.

The use of mulberry doshaba

  • For the treatment of cough and colds doshab used with milk. For this, 1 tbsp. l funds diluted in 100 ml of warm milk. After complete dissolution of the product, add another 100 ml of hot milk. The tool is recommended to take 3 times a day.
  • During sore throat and gum disease A preparation for rinsing the respiratory tract and oral cavity is prepared from a doshab. For this, 1 tbsp. l funds diluted in 150 ml of warm water. Procedures are carried out 3-5 times a day.
  • For the general strengthening of the body 1 tbsp. l Doshaba diluted in 250 ml of boiled water. Take 20-30 minutes before breakfast daily. The course of treatment lasting 20 days will help to cope with fatigue, loss of strength and avitaminosis. These treatments are especially helpful in the winter and spring.
  • For the treatment of anemia and stomach ulcers A water solution of doshab is taken 3 times a day, separately from food, for a month.
  • With the help of the mulberry doshab you can carry out the procedures of the liver and gallbladder bass. This is a gentle lavage of the ducts of the organs, which contributes to the rapid removal of accumulated bile. To do this, dilute 1 tbsp. l doshaba in 250 ml of water at a temperature of 40 ° C-45 ° C and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. After that, lie down and apply a heating pad to the liver for 1.5 hours. We recommend 15 procedures with a frequency of 1 time per week.

Restrictions on the use of doshab

Mulberry doshab can be used for children from 1 year old. Before the first use, a child is given ¼ tsp. In the absence of allergies daily rate 1 tsp per day to strengthen the body. For the treatment of cough, colds and anemia, the dose is increased by 3 times.

 Mulberry berries syrup should not be consumed simultaneously with other fruit juices, otherwise it will lead to indigestion
Mulberry berries syrup should not be consumed simultaneously with other fruit juices, otherwise it will lead to indigestion

When pregnancy doshab take no more 2 tbsp. l in a day. Due to possible allergies during lactation, it is better to refuse to use the product.

People with diabetes, doshab can be used no more 1 tbsp. l in a day. Despite the low glycemic index, exceeding this dose can lead to a rise in blood sugar levels. The same rate is recommended for obesity, which is isolated by the high calorie content of the product.

Mulberry doshab is attractive to use in cooking. This is the original sauce for meat and salad dressing, a good basis for tonic drinks. Mulberry doshab will help to diversify the diet and give an extraordinary taste for the usual products.

Mulberry doshab is a good substitute for many pharmacological drugs, the excessive use of which is harmful to any person. The sweet and pleasant taste of the product makes it possible to replace them with sugar.that contributes to the overall improvement of the body.