Proper fit and care for the sea buckthorn
 Planting and cultivation of sea buckthorn in the country, care and pruning, transplanting plants

Sea buckthorn is able to annually produce a bountiful harvest of very healthy berries. But in order to achieve maximum success, need to know the rules of planting plants.

Each fruit crop has its own distinctive features to consider.

Proper sea buckthorn planting in the fall and spring: we decide on the timing

Sea buckthorn is best planted in the country in the spring, in which case the plant will have time to get stronger before the onset of cold weather.

Spring landing is usually carried out in late March - early April. It is during this period that the soil is sufficiently moistened, and the shrub is at rest.

But for seedlings with a closed root system may be acceptable and autumn planting. Her terms vary from late September to early October. An important condition is a comfortable temperature of +4 degrees.

Sea buckthorn is planted after leaf fall, so that the seedling can spend all its energy not on natural processes, but on taking root in a new place.

 Sea buckthorn is best planted in the spring, then the plant will have time to get stronger before the onset of cold weather
Sea buckthorn is best planted in the spring, then the plant will have time to get stronger before the onset of cold weather

If the timing of planting the bush were missed, then the seedlings need prikopat in the groundso they can overwinter for later cultivation. To do this, at the highest point of the site dig a groove with a height of 50-60 centimeters, and put seedlings there.

The crown should lie in a southerly direction, this situation will help avoid sunburn.Then the hole is sent to the ground and watered thoroughly.

As soon as the cold comes, the plant is completely buried in soilleaving only the tips of the branches on the surface. To protect against rodents from above, such a structure is covered with spruce branches.

After the snow appears, it is carefully tamped around the seedling to create additional protection. When dropping several seedlings at once, plexus roots should not be allowed.

Advantages and disadvantages Spring and autumn planting sea buckthorn:

pros Minuses
  • during spring planting of sea buckthorn, the first crop will appear a year earlier;
  • the root system of the tree will have time to fully mature before the onset of cold weather, therefore there is less risk of death of the young;
  • for spring planting, you can prepare a hole in advance and it will have time to infuse, this factor significantly affects soil fertility, and therefore the future harvest;
  • during this period, it is very easy to isolate those plants that do not take root well in a new place and require additional care.
  • One of the main criteria when choosing the time for planting is the biological rest of the plant.In the spring, it is quite difficult to correctly guess the time for the tree to adjust to a new place before the onset of sap flow;
  • for spring seedlings need to be very carefully looked after, protecting them from heat and drought;
  • When buying a sapling in the spring, you will have to be content with a small assortment.
  • In the fall, a wide selection of saplings is presented, they can be assessed by the quality of the foliage and other criteria that are not available in spring. Also, many sellers offer to try the fruits of trees sold;
  • during this period, the price of planting material is significantly reduced;
  • in the fall, you have to spend less time on watering the plants and other care;
  • The trees planted in autumn will start to grow 2-3 weeks faster than the spring.
  • frosts have a detrimental effect on the buckthorn root system, as well as the wind, which can easily break off young twigs;
  • in winter, the plant is very often attacked by rodents, the small sea buckthorn can not withstand the invasions of various animals.

The basic rules of autumn and spring planting bush in the country

Many novice gardeners believe that there is no difference. between spring and autumn planting and sea buckthorn transplanting. But it is worth remembering that these two procedures have significant differences, which consist in the following features and rules of seasonal planting.

For spring work adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Planting is carried out before the onset of hot weather, so do not hope for a pre-agreed framework. The gardener should carefully monitor the air temperature in the region and select the most favorable period.
  2. When planting, organic fertilizers are used, for example, manure.
  3. Immediately after planting, young plants need careful care, which is timely watering and protection from the scorching sun.
  4. To accelerate the growth of sea buckthorn, as well as the emergence of young shoots, you can use various growth promoters.
 There are significant differences and rules between spring and autumn plantings for sea buckthorn
There are significant differences and rules between spring and autumn plantings for sea buckthorn

During the autumn works adhere to the following rules:

  1. Particular attention should be paid to checking the status of the seedling root system. Sick plants most likely will not be able to take root in a new place.
  2. If the planting dates were missed and cold began, then the sea buckthorn is dropped before spring.
  3. During this period, manure cannot be used as a fertilizer, as it can damage the roots of the plant.
  4. In order for a tree to survive the winter, it must be carefully covered with the use of various improvised means, such as spruce branches, paper, film, blankets, snow, etc.
  5. To protect the wind from sea buckthorn tied to a peg, which will serve as a support and protection.

Selection and preparation of soil and seedlings for cultivation

Buying a sea buckthorn seedling, need to pay attention to its root system and crown. They should be free from mechanical damage and signs of disease.

To get a variety of planting material, it is best to choose the seedling obtained after vaccination. Sea-buckthorn, grown from seeds or obtained with the help of the root shoots, most often does not inherit the characteristics of the parent plants.

In order for the plant to absorb atmospheric nitrogen, nodules can form on its roots. Such growths are natural for sea buckthorn and cannot be removed!

In order to get the buckthorn crop, it is worth remembering that she needs an extra pollinator in the form of a male variety the same culture. The most popular of them are considered to be Alei and Gnome.

There are several signs, which can determine the sex of a plant:

  • in a male plant, large buds with 5-7 scales;
  • in the female plant, the buds are elongated, with 2-3 scales.

How to distinguish male and female sea buckthorn trees:

If the site does not have enough space for the landing of both female and male varieties, you can inoculate a male plant on a female one.

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Before planting seedlings need to prepare:

  • in the autumn period, all foliage is removed;
  • before planting, the roots of the seedling are dipped in a clay mash;
  • if the root system is dry, it should be moistened by placing in a container with water for about 2-3 hours.

Choosing where to plant this tree

Each culture has its own preferences. regarding habitat. Important factors may include soil composition, climatic conditions, etc .:

  • The sea buckthorn's natural habitat is sandy or pebble soils on the shore of the reservoir;
  • prefers neutral or alkaline soils;
  • this crop has good drought tolerance, but timely soil moistening will contribute to obtaining a good harvest;
  • unacceptably high groundwater storage;
  • Sea buckthorn is very fond of sunlight, the shadow can adversely affect the health and fruiting of the plant;
  • strong winds also have a destructive effect, therefore gardeners often choose the southern side of the site;
  • such a culture does not tolerate neighborhoods with other plants because of its sprawling root system, which is only 30-40 centimeters deep, but can reach several meters in diameter. Therefore, for the sea buckthorn usually allocate the edge of the site, the area along the fence or buildings.
 Sea buckthorn prefers neutral or alkaline soils, does not tolerate neighborhoods with other plants
Sea buckthorn prefers neutral or alkaline soils, does not tolerate neighborhoods with other plants

How to plant in open ground

Regardless of landing time, pit for seedlings must be prepared in advance. For the spring, the preparation is carried out in the autumn, and for the autumn about a month before the start of work.

In this case, the soil will have time to insist, it will become more nutritious and fertile.

The depth and width of the pit should be 40-50 centimeters. When it is digging the top (fertile) and the lower layer of soil folded separately.

Then fertile earth is poured into the recess, mixed with:

  • 1 bucket of humus;
  • 1 bucket of river sand;
  • 200 grams of superphosphate;
  • 800 grams of wood ash.
When working on planting sea buckthorn, you need to act very carefully so as not to damage the fragile root system of the plant.

Experienced gardeners recommend buying seedlings with earthen ballIn this case, the risk of damage will be minimized:

  • during planting, the seedling is carefully placed in the hole, after which it must be sprinkled with earth;
  • root neck should be 5-7 centimeters above ground level;
  • at the final stage, the soil around the plant is watered abundantly and mulched with peat or sawdust.
 Buy sea-buckthorn seedlings with an earthy lump, while planting try not to damage the root system of the plant
Buy sea-buckthorn seedlings with an earthy lump, while planting try not to damage the root system of the plant

How to care? Tips on caring for a new fit

In the first 2-3 years after planting, sea buckthorn does not require additional fertilizer, at this stage, it will be enough of those nutrients that were introduced during planting.

One of the most important factors is soil moisture, therefore the gardener must make sure that the soil does not dry out, and that it does not stagnate moisture.

Young tree as never before need help in the fight against insects and rodents. The use of chemicals can affect the quality of the fruit, so it is preferable to use various biological additives or mechanical means in the form of special traps.

In the first years of life you need to help the plant to form the correct form of the crown.To do this, remove the branches that grow in the wrong direction, also cut off diseased or dry shoots. This procedure is carried out in the spring, before the formation of buds, or in the fall, after leaf fall.

Features and care for sea buckthorn:

How to trim: tips and tricks for pruning

Sea buckthorn requires the most thorough pruning in the 4-5th year of life. At this time there is an active growth of a plant, therefore it is very important to form its crown correctly.

For this in early spring, before the first buds remove shoots that grow parallel to the trunk, it is also necessary to cut the fruiting twigs, because an excessive amount of berries on a tree can negatively affect its development and growth.

Another type of pruning is called sanitary. It is usually carried out in the fall, after leaf fall. During this procedure, perform the following work:

  • remove all dry and diseased branches, also clean the plant from dry leaves or dried, uncollected fruits;
  • all places of a cut are obligatory processed by garden pitch;
  • when a fungus is found, it is cut off and the affected area is treated with antiseptics.

How to cut and form the sea buckthorn in the garden:

How to transplant: simple rules for transplanting shrubs

Rules for transplanting sea buckthorn are not much different from the original landing plants. The most preferred is the spring period to transplant the plant, but autumn can also be suitable for this procedure.

In the spring, the tree will be able to quickly get used to the new environment and recover from the work done, but in the fall (especially in the Urals and in Siberia) there is a risk of freezing of sea buckthorn due to lack of time for rooting.

Given the structural features of the root system of such a tree, many gardeners recommend not to replant adult sea buckthorn because there is a big risk of damaging its roots.

Despite the fact that sea buckthorn is one of the most useful berries, many gardeners grow such a tree or shrub for decorative purposes.

From this we can conclude that sea ​​buckthorn not only brings rich in chemical composition fruits, but also is an ornament of any site.