The use of bee submarine in medicine
 dead rock

The sphere of apitherapy in folk medicine is not limited to the use of the beneficial properties of honey, propolis, royal milk, wax, bee bread, or bee venom.

In addition to them, there is a bee sorrel. A little-known tool that has great biological potential is comparable in efficiency with all beekeeping products combined.

Drugs based on it have a wide spectrum of action, however there are certain nuances of the origin of the raw materials and its organoleptic properties, due to which it did not receive a well-deserved recognition.

What is a dead bee?

Bee sub-dead - so called dead bees. Under natural conditions, the bee lives from one to nine months. The longest life expectancy in winter bees, the shortest - in summer ones. The bulk of the raw materials are collected in the spring, when checking hives, and from spring to autumn there is an additional, not massive, collection.

Artificially it is obtained after apitoxin therapy, or forcibly closing bees without food for up to 10 days.In the first case, the number is not significant, and the second - is used very rarely.

Not everyone is ready to use dead insects for medicinal purposes; moreover, by virtue of its origin, a pure, raw submor has a peculiar smell and appearance.

However, it is in it that all the beneficial properties of apitherapy are concentrated.

Chemical composition

Dry dead bees contain biologically active compounds. When the total moisture content of the feedstock is from 8 to 10%, they can be divided into separate groups.

 dead bee
Dead bee
  • Protein compoundscomprising from 50 to 80% of the total mass.
  • Melaninwhich have a specific weight of 20-30%.
  • Chitin - from 10 to 12%.
  • Micro and macro elements, at least 3%.

Separately, they are used in folk and official medicine.

Protein compounds

Amino compounds having the largest specific gravity are represented by the following substances:

  • organic acids;
  • enzymes;
  • heparin;
  • undigested pergae proteins;
  • protein compounds of bee venom;
  • by others.

In medicine, due to the high biological activity, the active ingredients of bee venom and heparin are widely used,which combine natural amines (histamine, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, melitin) and anticoagulants - substances that prevent blood clotting, the formation of thrombosis.

Melanins and their beneficial properties

Natural antioxidants and adaptogens are in fact dark-colored pigments that give color to the skin and scalp, as well as to the iris.

Their action is based on the absorption of ultraviolet radiation and the protection of the body from harmful radiation. The rate of accumulation of radionuclides is inversely related to the number of melanins: the more of them, the slower the process goes.

 a sea of ​​bees
Collection of submarine

Melanins can act as enterosorbents: in addition to the normalization of microflora, they have been used as an atoxic agent in the early diagnosis of poisoning.

Chitin and its benefits

The outer shell and the inner exoskeleton of the bee consists of chitin - a natural biopolymer, a source for chitosan (or apisan), which, in turn, serves as raw material for:

  • modern cosmetology;
  • manufacturing dietary food;
  • biologically active additives;
  • pharmacology.
Its value is related to the ability to bind and remove fat molecules from the body; it improves metabolism, acts as a natural sorbent and atoxin, helps reduce weight and normalize digestion.

In addition, it exhibits the properties of a natural preservative for any food, and also acts as an amplifier of taste and smell.

Micro and macro elements

Minerals contained in dry bees are easily digestible for the human body and are not only common in nature:

  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • sodium;
  • aluminum;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • sulfur;
  • copper

but rare, and therefore valuable:

  • silver;
  • boron;
  • barium;
  • chrome;
  • beryllium;
  • molybdenum;
  • nickel;
  • vanadium and others.

The composition of mineral compounds depends on the breed of bees, habitat and food supply.

Impact on the human body

Like all bee products, bee subsides are a means of showing strong biological activity.

 dead bees
Dead bees

The most studied is the benefits and effects on the human body of its constituent chitosan, heparin, melanin, acetic acid,Glucosamine and apitoxin. What are they used for?

In the integrated use of their properties are manifested in:

  • bactericidalantiviral and disinfecting action;
  • raising immunity and the body's resistance to disease;
  • stabilization hormonal levels;
  • hepatoprotective action;
  • condition improvement jointsbone and cartilage tissue;
  • accelerating exchange metabolic processes and recovery;
  • neutralization toxins, removal of slags;
  • antioxidant action, accelerating the process of tissue regeneration and slowing their aging.

If we consider the focused action of each active ingredient separately, then:

  • chitosan has painkiller and healing properties. Its use provides restoration of mucous and skin integuments, injured as a result of injuries, burns, inflammations. Preparations based on the chitosan complex regulate the production of thyroid hormones, clean the blood vessels, contribute to the normalization of fat balance;
  • melanin. indications for use: removal intoxication organism with poisoning, it contributes to the removal of radionuclides and salts of heavy metals;
  • heparin relieves inflammation different etymologies, is involved in the processes of blood formation, cleanses and tones blood vessels, stabilizes pressure.

Contraindications and harm bees submountains

Despite its usefulness, bee primor has a number of contraindications and harm, namely:

  • Allergy. In the body, the bees remain undigested in the remains of pollen, an aggressive allergen. Before use, you must conduct a test for individual intolerance.
  • Pregnancy and feeding, due to the vulnerability of the body of a woman and child. Not recommended for use in the treatment of children under five.
  • Aggravation acute either chronic diseases.
  • Acute cardiacvascular pathology.
  • Substandard tumors.
  • Renal, liver failure.

The use of apitherapy is advisable to start after a complete diagnosis and final diagnosis. Do not neglect the consultation of the relevant physician and the coordination of the possibility of using bee submarines.

In self-treatment, there is a risk of a false assessment of symptoms, and, consequently, a loss of time required to start treatment in the early stages of the disease.

Indications for use in various diseases

Of course, the best way to preserve health is constant care for the body, prevention, strengthening the immune system and attentive attitude to all life support systems.

Bee Podmor Extract

Alcohol tincture of beespot is used to enhance immunity. It is necessary to accept in drops by the number of years. To do this, it is diluted in a glass of water and taken in equal parts daily in the morning and evening for at least a month. Wherein:

  • happens cleaning organism from toxins, slags, salts of heavy metals;
  • is accelerating metabolism and improves metabolism;
  • microflora is restored intestines;
  • walls are toned and cleaned vessels;
  • strengthened bone and cartilage fabrics;
  • hormone background comes to balance.

The biological activity of all components of this product has a beneficial effect on all systems of human activity and helps to prevent the negative effects of stress, a polluted environment, pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms.

However, potent drugs are often remembered when immunity has already failed,and the consequences of this failure adversely affected health and reduced the quality of life.

Prostate adenoma, male sexual dysfunction

The strongest adaptogen, stimulant and antioxidant, bee subsurture, among other things, has the ability to affect the male reproductive system: if you take a broth of dry bees with honey warmed to body temperature, you can cope with inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, treat prostatitis, relieve psychological stress and return potency.

When treating such delicate disorders as prostate adenoma, you need to be patient and tune in to the systemic use of decoction: It acts gently, it is recommended to take it for at least a month.

Regular use of traditional medicines is a guarantee of successful treatment.

Helps to treat hormonal disorders

Impact of hormones on the thyroid, pancreas, and sex hormones of both men and women allows to balance and regulate their production in the body, as they contain natural phytohormones and a sufficient amount of rare-earth elements, from the deficit of which hormonal imbalance often develops.

The unity of the human hormone system requires a complex means to restore balance, and bee subsimus meets this requirement.

To restore the functions of the thyroid gland and restore the balance of sex hormones at home, it is recommended to be treated as follows: take inside alcohol tincture of dry bees in courses of one month, in doses according to the general recommendations for the recipe.

Joint diseases, migraines, skin problems

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and healing properties make it possible to apply submore outwardly in the treatment of a number of diseases, namely:

  1. Joint Diseases: arthritis, bursitis, arthrosis. Compresses of beeswax, rubbing with alcohol extract, rubbing ointment or bath of decoction will help relieve pain, inflammation and restore mobility.

    Trap of the Mora of the Bees
  2. Headaches and Migraines. It is recommended to apply compresses with a steam of bees on the forehead, to rub whiskey with ointment and alcoholic extract.
  3. Skin diseases. Problems of the skin: from acne and furunculosis to burns and mechanical damage, can be solved by using external preparations of bee submoris.The inflammatory process will remove the steam and alcohol extract, and for burns, use decoction broth.
  4. Thrombophlebitis, varicose veins. In folk medicine, warm compresses with a pair of bees are used to eliminate these vascular pathologies: they provide nourishment, tone, and direct action of all the compounds of the marrow on diseased areas.

Other diseases

The biological complex of the compounds that make up the bee submor helps to cope with many diseases, including the eye.

To tidy up your eyes and restore falling vision, it is recommended to ingest fried submorr.
However, in this way of using dry bees there are opponents.

As arguments, they cite the fact that under the influence of high temperatures a significant part of biological compounds lose their activity.

Drugs and medications on the basis of Pomor

In its pure form, bee primer is practically not used. To obtain the maximum effect of the nutrients that it contains, require extraction. This is especially true for chitosan.

For the preparation of preparations based on podmor, high-quality raw materials are selected: dry, fresh, without mold and traces of decomposition, or they are buying ready-made powder from bees at pharmacies.

Then it is used for both internal and external use.

Folk recipes for internal use

Bee sea for internal use is used in the form of decoctions and tinctures, less often in fried form or in the form of powder, which is added to honey. External use requires the preparation of ointments, steamed or alcoholic infusions. When and which recipe to apply, read below.

How can I make a decoction and how to drink it

One of the most affordable ways to prepare a healing agent. A low concentration of the active substance provides a mild effect on the body and requires prolonged use - from 6 months to a year.

Bank with a decoction

Boil 500 ml of water and pour 10-15 g. Of carefully crushed bee submor. Mix over low heat for about one hour. Allow to cool and brew for at least 2 hours at room temperature, then strain.

Honey (up to 2 tablespoons) and propolis (1 teaspoon of alcohol tincture) are added to the resulting broth to improve the taste and enhance the effect, but you can do without them. The finished product is stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

The course of treatment lasts at least a month, during which the broth is drunk twice a day on an empty stomach, one tablespoon. Then they take a break and after six months the course can be repeated if necessary.

The recipe for making broth with propolis

With boiling water (at the rate of 800 ml - 1 l) pour 2 handfuls of crushed bees. Evaporate in a water bath. When the volume is halved, cool and filter.

Ready broth is stored in a dark container in a cool place.

Apply as follows:

  • 14 days one tablespoon three times a day;
  • next 14 days - 2 tablespoons;
  • another 14 days - by 3 tablespoons;
  • to make break not less than 3 months;
  • then, if necessary drink another month one tablespoon three times a day.

Methods for the preparation of therapeutic tinctures with alcohol

Tincture is a more concentrated remedy than decoction. It is used when it is necessary to achieve a quick effect from the internal use.

Recipe 1. On 1 tablespoon of carefully crushed bee submor 1 glass of vodka is required. The ingredients are mixed in dark glassware and left to stand at room temperature for 2-3 weeks. Shake from time to time.Then the tincture is filtered and stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Apply 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach. It is pre-diluted in a glass of warm water, you can with honey. The course of treatment up to 1 month. Then make a break for 2 weeks and repeat if necessary.

Alcohol tincture

Recipe 2. For one glass of dry bees (you can not chop) take 500 ml of vodka, mix in a bottle of dark glass, warm up to 400With in a water bath for at least 10 minutes and insist about 10 days.

The tincture is carefully filtered and used one teaspoon per day, washed down with plenty of water, or stirred in a glass with water and honey.

How to take fried sea

To prepare 1 tablespoon of raw materials, you must take 50 ml of vegetable oil. The oil is ignited in a frying pan and then poured out. Roast for 3-5 minutes.

Allow to cool at room temperature. Store no more than 1 month in the refrigerator. Use inside 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach 2-3 times a day during the month. You can pre-grind and mix with honey to improve the taste.

External use in medicine


For compresses from the pores, 100-150 g of bees need to be steamed in hot water.Water take a little, so that it covers them completely. Insist 15-20 minutes in a water bath. Water is drained, the remaining mass is slightly squeezed and placed in a previously prepared linen bag.

It is tightly pressed to the skin through several layers of gauze, insulated with polyethylene and fixed with a plaster or bandage. Leave on the sore spot until cool.

How to make an ointment at home

Ointment of submarine

To prepare this medicine, take from 1 to 4 tablespoons of dry, carefully chopped bee dress and mix with 1 cup of preheated 40 0With vegetable oil.

Store in an opaque sealed container in the refrigerator. Use preheating, rubbing into sore spots.

Extract with sprites or vodka

Used in the form of compresses and rubbing. Unlike alcohol tincture, which is used internally, has a greater concentration. For preparation, dry raw materials are placed in any container made of glass and vodka or alcohol is poured, so that its level is about 3 cm above the level of submarine.

Extract insist 2-3 weeks in a dark place at room temperature, shaking regularly. Then filtered and applied as needed.

Using the correct recipes for the preparation of preparations on the basis of the primor, it is necessary to observe the exact dosage, do not expose them to ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures. And, of course, pre-consult with a doctor.