The benefits and harm of honey

The healing properties of honey are known to most people on the planet. This sweet and extremely useful product helps to strengthen the immune system, speedy recovery from many diseases, weight loss, improve the condition of hair and skin.

However, not all are aware of the possible side effects of bee products, such as allergies, anaphylactic shock and other complications.

Composition and useful properties

The composition of natural honey is a unique product that is used as a fragrant delicacy, as well as a source of health, vitality and longevity.

The natural product consists of more than 100 nutrients that are considered vital to the human body. 80% of carbohydrates - fructose, sucrose, glucose. The exact proportions of these substances differ depending on the variety.

The percentage of substances in honey
The important point is that such substances are quickly and easily absorbed by our body, because they belong to simple carbohydrates.

These carbohydrates are important for the body to maintain the energy forces of the nervous, muscular, and immune systems. The lack of these substances can lead to a decrease in mental and physical activity, human health, provokes the development of diseases.

In addition to carbohydrates, the composition includes 15% water, 3-3.5% protein compounds, a large variety of minerals and trace elements. These include iron, calcium, sodium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, sulfur, iodine, chlorine, copper, cobalt, potassium, etc.

Vitamins Mg / 100 g of product Minerals Mg / 100 g of product
AT 2 0,03-0,07 Iron 1,2
IN 3 0,15-0,25 Calcium 4-5
E 1 Potassium 25-30
AT 6 0,3-0,32 Sodium 24-26
PP 0,3-0,35 Magnesium 2-2,5
WITH 2,0-2,5 Phosphorus 1-1,4
H 0,4 Cobalt 0,05
B5 0,05-0,1 Zinc 0,02
B8 0,03-0,06 Copper 0,03-0,04
AT 9 0,015 Chlorine 0,04


It is impossible to overestimate the healing contribution of nutrients that are included in the bee product. Since calcium is the main building material of bone and cartilage tissues, iron increases hemoglobin, etc. Shortage of the described microelements in the body disrupts its normal functioning, metabolism, and disrupts the body’s balance.

Thus, from vegetable fat products honey considered the richest in micronutrients and minerals.

It is worth noting the usefulness of enzymes in the composition. Namely, diastase, invertase, catalase, acid phosphatase, etc. These elements help speed up the metabolic process. The source of enzymes in the product is plant pollen, as well as the bee organism itself.

Honeycomb bees

In addition to these elements, the composition of the product bee processing includes many organic acids. Such as citric acid, malic, oxalic, lactic, tartaric, folic, pantothenic acid.

With the help of the research conducted in the composition of honey biogenic stimulants,which contribute to strengthening the vitality and vitality of the human body.

Impact on the human body

It is believed that people who include a portion of honey delicacy in their daily ration do not take pharmacy medicines at all. And such situations often occur. Complete with maintaining a healthy lifestyle, healing properties are the support of the normal functioning of the body.

Each type of product can have a beneficial effect on human health. An important point is the strengthening and maintaining in tone of the personal system of the body responsible for the fight against disease.

Honey contributes to the effective reduction of inflammatory processes in tissues, is used as an anesthetic, used in a variety of ailments. This is due to the following product properties:

  • Antifungal;
  • Antibacterial;
  • Regenerating;
  • Antiviral;
  • Antihistamine, etc.

Honey is used for ulcers, wounds, burns, thanks to which healing is accelerated. The product has a beneficial effect on blood improvement, serves as a sugar substitute for people suffering from diabetes, improves digestive processes.

Due to its medicinal properties used to treat:

  • viral diseases;
  • cold;
  • cough;
  • throat diseases;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • laryngitis, etc.

Used as a means of cleansing the blood and blood vessels, treatment of the genitourinary system, pancreas, ulcers, spleen, gastritis.

Honey is an excellent aid in diseases of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems, a prophylactic against atherosclerosis. Used for venereal, oncological diseases, tuberculosis, liver and kidney diseases.

It is used as a reducing agent for nervous disorders and stresses, in case of arthritis, eye and joint diseases.

 honey varieties
Honey varieties

Honey is useful even in cosmetology, and not only in cooking or traditional medicine. It is a component of the composition of many balms, masks, creams for the skin and face, as well as other cosmetic products. This is due to balanced content of essential oils, vitamins, enzymes, minerals in the bee product.

Therefore, it can be used as an independent cosmetic product without the addition of other impurities.

Thus, the bee product is a natural and indispensable product for human health. It is believed that he occupies a leading place among natural medicines that are extracted from flowers and herbs.

The usefulness of honey for women

The benefits of a honey product for a female are almost unlimited. It is due to the most valuable composition of delicacy. Permanent use contributes to female attractiveness and health for many years.

Among the most useful for women honey varieties are buckwheat, lime, acacia, floral, etc. Each of the varieties has a different effect on the female body.

For example, flower honey will get rid of gynecological diseases, insomnia. Buckwheat - strengthens the heart, prevents heart disease, anemia, prevents headaches.

 honey mask
Honey mask for skin

Also, honey is an indispensable tool for the treatment of colds, coughs, tonsillitis. Acacia variety has a beneficial effect on the vision of women. Cyprus - replenish the body with vitamins and trace elements that are necessary to create a sonorous and clear female voice.

It is possible or not during pregnancy expectant mothers

In the early period of pregnancy when the mother begins to feed the baby with milk, honey is an indispensable component. At that time It has a beneficial effect on the enhancement of uterine circulation, improvement of lymphatic drainage, rendering a relaxing effect on the uterine muscles during lactation and feeding. For heavy and prolonged labor, honey acts as a natural stimulant of labor.

Also, the product helps in the fight against nausea and toxicosis in pregnant women, allows you to get rid of breast stretch marks, it is recommended when there is a threat of miscarriage in expectant mothers.

Breastfeeding honey

When breastfeeding, especially in the first month, honey should be used with great care and preferably after consulting a doctor. This is necessary to avoid allergic reactions in a child.

The main contraindications may be:

  • allergy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • high calorie;
  • overdose.

Benefits for men

Along with other beekeeping products, honey can have a miraculous effect on the male body. Eating only a teaspoon of treats will give energy for the whole working day.Can be used separately, it is possible with tea. The product is extremely useful in cardiovascular diseases of men, high blood pressure.

 spoon with honey
Honey spoon

Regular use of bee products, including honey, will avoid many diseases, improve vitality.

It is very common to use as prophylactic purposes, as well as in the treatment of prostatitis, adenoma and impotence. Thanks to amino acids, microelements, enzymes, honey can restore male urogenital functionswhich may weaken with age.

The following useful qualities for men can be distinguished:

  • anti-atherosclerotic property;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • choleretic;
  • anti-toxic;
  • vessel strengthening;
  • antiviral, etc.

Considering the contraindications of the product, there is practically no difference between side effects for men and women.

Allergies, individual intolerance to bee products, overdose, and others may be among the possible warnings.

Bee honey for children

Honey for children is one of the most favorite delicacies and occupies a leading place among the most delicious and at the same time healthy products. A child who regularly consumes honey will have the best progress in development, rarely get sick with colds and viral diseases, sustainably endure environmental conditions.

 honey jars
Honey Banks

The main useful properties for children:

  • Prophylactic and a treatment against flu, cold, cough, sore throat;
  • Positive influence on the nervous system child;
  • Antidepressant;
  • Good remedy from insomnia;
  • Fortification immunity, as well as the general protective functions of the body;
  • Improving the work of organs digestion;
  • Fortification bones, ligaments, cartilage.
  • Condition improvement skin and hair.
The main contraindications for children are allergies, various rashes and overdose of the product, which can lead to nausea, vomiting, and indigestion.

Contraindications and harm to health

Despite the many medicinal qualities of honey, it’s worth taking it very carefully, because sometimes it can be harmful. Limit yourself from taking the product in case of liver cirrhosis, stones in the gallbladder, absence of the gallbladder.

Honey can cause harm to people who have increased acidity of the stomach in the post infarction state. Use caution in the presence of allergic reactions, obesity. Caloric content of 100 g of honey is 320 kcal.

Thus, with careful application of the healing product, after consulting with specialists, you will get rid of many undesirable problems without causing complications to the body.