How to make fertilizer for plants from yeast
 Feeding from yeast

Yeast is considered to be quite a strong stimulating tool for the development of garden crops. When introduced into the soil composition, they begin to secrete various components useful to vegetables, supplying phytohormones. These substances activate the soil fauna, increase their viability. As a result, intensive processing of organic matter begins, its mineralization and decomposition into nitrogen and phosphorus. How can I take into account all these properties and prepare an excellent feeding for the beds, see below.

Pros and cons of yeast as fertilizer

Many gardeners who use yeast as a fertilizer composition have the following advantages:

  • one-percent yeast extract fully replaces complex fertilizer formulations that are applied to the soil throughout the season;
  • preparation of such feeding can be done independently. To do this, you need ten grams of yeast, pour a liter of water, insist twenty-four hours;
  • not scary if you overdo it with the amount or concentrate solution - plants will not be harmed;
  • yeast dressings perfectly stimulate the root system in underdeveloped cuttings;
  • product cost is acceptable.
As a fact of a negative nature, one feature can be singled out: from the long-term use of yeast top-dressing, the soil composition is depleted in organic matter, becomes stony and difficult to develop.
Yeast perfectly stimulates the root system of plants

What can be fertilized with yeast

It is recommended to use such fertilizer composition in cultivation:

  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • peppers;
  • carrots;
  • indoor and garden flowers.

Excellent tool helps when growing seedlings.

Yeast Feed Preparation Options

Solutions for watering plants can be prepared in several ways.

 top dressing from yeast
Yeast produces excellent natural fertilizer for the garden

With hops

It is necessary to take one glass of fresh or dried hop cones, pour boiling water in the amount of one and a half liters, boil for an hour on low heat. The composition is filtered, cooled, it is necessary to add a couple of tablespoons of sugar and the same amount of wheat flour.

The container with the composition is placed in a warm place for two days. In the mass, which will begin to roam, you need to grate two potatoes and wait another twenty-four hours. Cooked sourdough should be diluted in the ratio of one cup per bucket of water.

 Preparation of yeast dressing
Preparation of yeast dressing

With wheat

Two hundred grams of germinated wheat grains are ground, sugar and flour are added in two spoons to give the mixture a pasty thickness.

Everything is cooked over low heat for twenty minutes. After that, the mixture is left in the tank for a day or more until signs of fermentation become noticeable.The whole mass is then stirred in ten liters of water.

On bread

In the presence of residues of black bread, yeast can not buy. Rusks are filled with plain water, left for several days. The resulting solution is filtered, and they can irrigate garden crops. By the way, the stock of black crackers for the summer season over the winter can be impressive.

 Ready yeast dressing on bread
Ready yeast dressing on bread

Other options

A glass of simple yeast for baking should be poured with a liter of water. Immediately before performing the feeding, the volume of the resulting solution is brought to a ten-liter bucket.

Raw yeast in the amount of one hundred grams is stirred in a bucket of heated water, the composition is aged for 24 hours.

Ten grams of yeast is mixed with two tablespoons of sugar, poured with ten liters of warm water, infused for two to three hours. It is necessary to feed the plants with a diluted solution at the rate of "one to five."

Green grass in the amount of one bucket is poured into a barrel, the volume of which is equal to seventy liters. There should be added the remains of dried bread or crackers in the amount of half a kilogram and the same amount of yeast.Insist should be at least two days, then you can apply in the garden.

Five hundred grams of bird droppings, the same amount of ash, ten grams of yeast and five tablespoons of granulated sugar should be added to ten liters of water. Immediately before use, the composition is diluted with water at the rate of "one to ten." It is recommended to filter the liquid or use it when watering a garden watering can equipped with a sieve.

 Option cooking yeast with nettle
Option cooking yeast with nettle

It is necessary to take a container of ten liters, put bread crusts in it, one package of yeast, add ash and sour milk in one glass. The bucket is wrapped in a rag or an old blanket, put in a warm place for fermentation to begin. Twice a day, the mass should be mixed, and after a week it will be ready for use.

A spoonful of yeast and two - sugar mixed. You need to add a couple grams of ascorbic acid and a handful of soil composition. Everything is filled with five liters of water and infused for at least a day. Before feeding, the solution is diluted with water at the rate of "one to five."

Rules for the use of yeast in the garden

It is recommended to do this carefully, so as not to cause the death of crops.It is best to adopt the advice of experienced gardeners:

  • do not often water plants with yeast-containing formulations. Best for this spring or summer, moments of transplanting. If the mixture is highly concentrated, then it should not be used more than once a month. Strongly diluted solutions are allowed to apply more often, without abusing their quantity;
  • it is allowed to use such dressing for diseased plants;
  • fertilizer composition is best combined with the addition of components containing potassium and calcium. Wood ash is considered such an example. The need is caused by the deficiency of such elements, arising in the process of yeast fermentation;
  • the prepared solution should not be stored for a long time. It will be better if a fresh formulation is prepared before use;
  • Considering that yeasts work better in heated water, it is necessary to add such fertilizers to the heated earth;
  • The soil composition in the beds should be sufficiently enriched with organic fertilizer compounds.

Proper and rational use of fertilizer formulations prepared with yeast, will ensure accelerated growth of plants.In the end, the owner expects a rich harvest of vegetables, berries and fruits.