Proper cultivation of leek in open field

The taste of many salads would not be so subtle without such an ingredient as leek. Due to the excellent gastronomic qualities and rich vitamin composition, the plant is grown by many gardeners. The annual culture comes from the Mediterranean, has unusual greenish-blue feathers with a characteristic aroma. Lack of spiciness and sweetish taste erect a grade in the category of aromatic spices.

When to plant leek

Due to the long growing season (about six months) and the climatic features of central Russia, it is better to grow leek onion using seedlings. She is sown in the second half of February or early March in prepared boxes, pots or cups.

In order to obtain seedlings, the conditions of irrigation and temperature conditions are complied with. If you sow seeds in open ground, you can not wait for the harvest because of the death of the plant due to frost and snow (the danger of freezing exists in both spring and autumn). Some gardeners practice growing leek for greenery, which is harvested in July.

 Some gardeners grow leek for green
Some gardeners grow leek for green

One of the ways to plant onions involves sowing seeds in late autumn (more often in November). It is important to ensure that weather forecasts are not warm, this will provoke quick shoots.

Seeding in garden beds can be done in greenhouse conditions or using the technology of growing under agrofibre.

Planting seeds for growing seedlings at home

Proper soil and seed preparation

To plant seeds used a mixture of turf and compost earth with the addition of humus. Leek likes nutritious and light soil, in a dense substrate the seeds may not grow.

 Leek Seeds
Leek Seeds

Applying a peat basis, you should not forget to feed with any additives:

  • dolomite flour;
  • urea;
  • double superphosphate;
  • potassium sulfate.

Spring sowing is usually prepared in March to get onions by September. The timing and pattern of planting and seeding can be adjusted depending on the time of harvest.

How to plant seeds

Before planting seeds soaked at home in room temperature water and kept the day, then dried.

Another preparation option provides for seed aging in a thermos with water (40 degrees) for 2-4 hours followed by rinsing under a cool shower and drying. As a container boxes are used 35 x 50 cm.

The consumption of seed for such a capacity is 2-3 grams. After filling the container, the soil surface is filled with a 3-5 mm layer of sand and moistened.

 The first shoots of powdered leek seeds
The first shoots of powdered leek seeds
Before the shoots appear, the box must be covered with glass or plastic to create a greenhouse effect.

To obtain good germination, landing is necessary to create favorable conditions. Among the main ones:

  • correct temperature in the range 22 degrees before germination;
  • temperature adjustment after emergence of shoots (in the daytime up to 18-20 degrees, at night up to 8-14 degrees);
  • watering exercise heated water;
  • provide good illumination for photosynthesis.

Pick and harden

It is better to grow seedlings of culture without picking, seating in separate containers is not necessary. Seedlings will be ready for planting on the open ground after reaching the age of 2-2.5 months.

At 6-7 weeks after the shoots appear seedlings need temper. To do this, boxes or pots should be carried out on the street and left in partial shade for several hours, gradually increasing the time spent on air. With strong wind air procedures are not recommended.

Planting onion seedlings in open ground

Seedlings planted in open ground in the first half of MayFor example, this refers to the Moscow region. Before an important stage, it is necessary to moisten the soil thoroughly so as not to damage the root system of the plant.It is better to do work in the evening or in cloudy weather. Active sun can destroy young shoots.

A bed for leek is chosen in open areas so that it can grow with maximum access of light. It is not recommended to plant a crop close to bushes and trees.

The soil for planting should be neutral, fairly loose. If soil acidity is noted, it must first be lime.

It is advisable to prepare the beds to do in the fall. For this, the plot is dug up and cleaned of roots and weeds, after which processed by Nitrophoska (2 tablespoons per 1 m2). In early spring, the beds are enriched with humus and compost without additional digging.

 Grooves are prepared for planting seedlings
Grooves are prepared for planting seedlings

When the seedlings are ready to be transplanted, the grooves in the selected area are prepared. Their depth is 10-15 cm interval - 25-30 cm. Between shoots observed distance of 10-20 cm, depending on the variety.

Each root before processing into the soil is processed by a special talker, which is prepared from clay, manure and water (all components are taken in equal proportions). Too long sprouts shortened to 4 cm. Soil seedlings sprinkled in small quantities. Transplantation work ends with abundant watering.

Lean care after transplanting

Leek is not very whimsical to care, but it will take an effort to get a harvest. To grow a good crop that will not be afraid of transportation and will grow healthy, you need to take care of it properly.

Care includes:

  • regular watering;
  • weeding;
  • hilling (3-4 times during the growing season);
  • bait;
  • loosening;
  • treatment of diseases and pests.
 For a good harvest, weed removal and loosening should be done regularly.
For a good harvest, weed removal and loosening should be done regularly.
After transplanting seedlings for three days, the plant does not water.

Next shoots need to be watered not with cold water. 1 time in 5 days. Irrigation rate is 1 m2 to 10-15 liters of distilled water.

During the season leek feed 3-4 times. The plant responds well to organic fertilizers: mullein, compost, bird droppings. Mineral complexes rich in potassium, phosphorus and other micro and macro elements will also be suitable. Each hilling is recommended to combine with the introduction of ash.

Once every 2 weeks need to loosen the soil around the shoots until the stem is as thick as a pencil.Further procedures become more frequent and expand into the zone of grooves to saturate the soil with oxygen and prevent compaction of the earth.

 Leek responds well to fertilizing with mullein solution
Leek responds well to fertilizing with mullein solution

Harvesting and storage

You can collect onions until late autumn, but it is better to do this before frosts and first snow fall.

The plant should be cleaned from damaged and dried leaves, remove the top of the feathers (about 1/3 of the length), cut at the root of 1 cm.

The harvest is well preserved in the refrigerator, wrapped with cling film. Before packing, the stems must be cooled, so that no condensation forms under the polyethylene. Basements, cellars or pits with a temperature regime not higher than 2-5 degrees are also suitable as storage.

For preparations for the winter leek is placed in the freezer. After defrosting, it retains its properties and is quite suitable for use.

Leek is only gaining popularity with Russian gardeners. It is very interesting and useful to get invaluable experience in growing a crop and share it with the gardeners, as well as boast a magnificent harvest,which may look unusual.