Characteristics and description of a type of potato gala
 potato gala

In the spring it is difficult to determine the potato variety. There is not enough time, landing time is tight. Summer residents usually buy what specialty stores offer. In recent years, the gala variety has been in the top sales, which speaks of its good taste and marketability.

Examine the market in advance. The end of summer and early autumn is the right time to gather information on varietal diversity. Those who want to get an early harvest, you need to pay attention to the middle-early variety with the beautiful name Gala.

Rules for growing varieties of gala

Will consider basic rules of cultivation varieties. The harvest depends on the preparation of seed and soil, irrigation, fertilizing, organized according to a certain pattern.

 potato gala
Proper care is the basis for successful growth of the selected variety.

Seed preparation

The size of seed potatoes should not exceed the size of a chicken egg. The optimal weight is considered to be 40-50 g of tuber or slightly less. Visually inspected on the tuber should not be damaged and signs of infection.

Tubers are germinated in a room with an air temperature of + 16 ° C. Sprouts in a healthy representative of the variety appear after 3 weeks. A couple of days before planting material for planting warm in the sun, treated with a solution of boric acid (1.5%).

Before planting, inspect tubers.Reject all tubers with signs of illness and visible mechanical damage.

Landing time

The exact date of planting dates is difficult to say, since it depends on the specific climatic conditions. Roughly this is the end of April - the first decade of May. The criterion of soil readiness is soil temperature.

As soon as the earth warms to 10 ° at a depth of 10 cm, you can begin to land.

Choosing a place

Landing area should be flat, it facilitates uniform watering. Groundwater should be at a depth not exceeding 1.5 m. An important condition is the absence of shade. Gala in the shadows grows bad.

 potato sun
Unlike flowers, the chosen culture loves the sun.

It is necessary to observe the crop rotation of vegetable crops. Best predecessors:

  • cucumbers;
  • beet;
  • carrot.

Site preparation work

Plowing or digging a plot is the main job of preparing the land for planting. You can use as tillers, hand cultivators, and shovels.

Plowing depth should not exceed 30 cm.

Fertilizers are added under the digging., consumption is given per square meter. Recommend to make:

  • ammonium nitrate (20 g);
  • humus (10 kg).

If the soil is sandy, it is weighed down and clay is added instead of humus.

Soil requirements

It is easier to name soils that are not suitable for growing a variety, since, judging from the information on the forums, this species is successfully grown in different regions of the country and on different soils. It grows poorly in lowlands and swampy soils.

Sort does not like sour soil. Acidity is very easy to determine. Pour 4 sheets of bird cherry with a glass of boiling water, cool infusion. Throw a lump of earth at him. Infusion will change color.

The color of the infusion Soil acidity
red sour
green weakly acidic
blue neutral
At least once every 5 years, add 500 g / m² of dolomite flour to the soil. This is necessary to maintain the normal acidity of the soil.

Landing pattern

Experimentally found that for Gala the optimal landing pattern is 75 cm between the holes. The distance is large, due to the large number of tubers in the bush (15 pcs.). Backfill depth 15 cm.

Summer care for potatoes

Summer care is competent alternation of irrigation, weeding, hilling and fertilizing. Lack of care will certainly affect the harvest.


Scheme of irrigation can be viewed in the table. Watering is required. If it is not possible to organize them due to lack of water or for some other reason,It is worth picking up another variety. Gala requires watering.

Phase of plant development Watering in dry weather Watering in rainy weather
emergence of shoots +
bloom + +
After flowering +

The rate of watering on one bush - 2 liters.

 watering potatoes
Proper and regular watering is a must for successful cultivation of the variety.

Weeding and Loosening

Before the emergence of seedlings loosening combined with weeding. Weeds sprout faster, chopping them with a hoe, at the same time loosen the soil. Loosen the aisles after hilling, rain or watering until the tops are not very high.

When the tops of the plants close the aisles, the weeding should be carried out manually, pulling out individual, tall weeds growing next to or in the bush. Loosening improves the access of oxygen, reduces evaporation of moisture. In friable, moist earth it develops better and faster.


First hilling spend when plant height reaches 15 cm. You can rake all the plant with the leaves. In a few days the stems will increase in length, the leaves will reappear.

Hilling should be carried out after rain or watering. If the weather is hot, the soil is hot - early in the morning or late in the evening.

Before the closure of the bushes to spend a few hilling with an interval of several weeks. The minimum number of hillocks is 2.

 hilling potatoes
Perform the procedure only when the shoots are at least 15 cm tall.


Feeding need combine with hilling. Spread dry fertilizers in the aisle, chop them into the soil. Fertilize ammonium nitrate in the first hilling, in the second - with complex mineral fertilizer for potatoes.

Fertika fertilizer proved to be excellent.

Pest control

The main pests and measures to combat them are given in the table.

Pest name Pest control measures Pest Prevention Measures
Potato scoop Lepidocide - in the butterfly phase, Detsis - in the caterpillar phase. Timely removal of weeds from the field. Larvae live on wheatgrass.
Medvedka Processing plantings with karbofos solution. Warming up the tubers before planting. Warming up temperature - 40 ° C, duration - 2 h.
Wireworm larvae Traps, organized in the soil, filled with carrots, potatoes. Digging, liming, weeding.


Already in August you can dig for current consumption. In the fall, before mass digging, they cut the tops.This procedure is recommended to carry out necessarily. After it, the skin forms faster and the variety is better stored in winter.

Need to hold test digging 1-2 bush. You can dig, if the tubers are covered with peel, the average diameter of the tuber is about 4 cm.

Crop sorting required. Patients, damaged copies in the bookmark do not go.

Crop storage

Optimum storage conditions:

  • air temperature within 2-5 ° C;
  • air humidity - 80%;
  • ventilation.

It is possible to store both in bulk, and in a container: bags, boxes.

Selection of gall seed potatoes

Seed variety taken immediately after digging from the harvest of healthy bushes. Sampling is done until all the tubers are piled up in a common pile.

Before the descent of the selected testes into the cellar for storage, they are green. Keep the tubers in the sun for at least 7 days, turn them over several times during this time. The whole tuber should turn green.

 Tuber green
Tuber greening is a necessary measure before descending of tubers selected for seeding.

Green seed is stored better, less prone to disease.

Tuber Diseases and Damage

Watch the plantation need throughout the summer. It is impossible to exclude the probability of fungal and viral diseases.

Of particular danger is fungal infectionthat spreads through contaminated soil and causes rhizoctoniosis.

Fungus causing late blight, no less dangerous. Infection can make up to 50% of the total crop.

Viruses can damage the seed pool. Tubers of infected potatoes cannot be used for planting. Spreads the virus aphid. A sign of infection - twisted leaves.

The yield and quantity of seed potatoes are reduced by mixed internal rot. It can be seen on the cut root. Mechanical damage to tubers during digging - the cause of the disease.

Decay can be wet and dry, accompanied by a gray or brown patina on the surface.

Risoctoniosis: symptoms of the disease

The bush is developing poorly, the color of the tops is pale, in the lower part of the stem you can see a bloom of gray. The fungus infects most of the tubers, they lose their presentation, are deformed, covered with growths of black color.

Much of the potato can be affected by the fungus. Crop losses in some cases reach 20%.

Prevention of rhizoctoniosis

European varieties are often astounding. silver scab (rhizoctoniosis). Seeds can be processed before planting with biological or chemical preparations:

  • Maksim;
  • Prestige;
  • Fitolavin;
  • Phytosporin;
  • Albite.
These funds can bring back health even to infected tubers. You need to prepare a solution and hold the potatoes in it.

Treatment of diseased plants

If upon examination of the bushes there are signs of a fungal disease, it is necessary to process the bushes with a fungicide at least 3 times. Observe the interval between treatments - 7 days.

Recommend to use fungicide Baktofit. For 1 bucket of water enough 30 ml of funds. The treatment is carried out on an overcast day or in the evening.

Late blight

The whole above-ground part of the bush withers and perishes, the flesh of the tubers becomes soft, they lose their natural color, turn brown. For the treatment of a diseased plant use the drug arceride.

The first spraying to hold during the active flowering of Gala. On a bucket of water will need 50 g of funds. The third, last processing, is carried out 20 days before harvesting potatoes.

Virus Disease - Leaf Curl

Provokes the spread of the disease hot, dry weather. A sign of the disease - twisted leaves in the lower part of the bush. If you do not carry out treatment, the bush will die.

Triple spraying helps to stop the disease. The interval between treatments 15 days. Recommended drug - Baktofit. If the effect of the treatments is not, remove the bush.

Sick bushes mark knitted. In the fall of these bushes can not be selected seed. The virus reduces the amount of seed.


Lyudmila (Rostov region)

“The climate in our area is unpredictable, but Gala does not fail, soot that year. I buy seeds of 1 variety. 2-3 weeks I germinate in shallow boxes. Planted under the scheme 25 × 60 cm. I use a shovel.

In the hole I throw a handful of humus on a tuber a tablespoon of ash. Soot very early as soon as the earth warms up. Hurry up, so that before the onset of heat the tubers have time to start. Bucket digging from 4 bushes.

Usually in one nest up to 15 potatoes. I do not use fertilizers, but I am always happy with the harvest. ”


“I do not cultivate potatoes, I prefer to buy them in the fall and lower them to the cellar for winter consumption.Potato Gala like and taste, and in appearance of the fruit.

Lies well, spoils a little. When cooking does not crumble. It is pleasant to clean, the peel is clean, the eyes are small, no need to cut it. ”


This species belongs to the group of middle-early varieties (the growing season from 60 to 80 days). The plant is erect, bushes of medium height, the leaves are large, green, wavy along the edge. The flowers are white. Early flowering.

According to the description, gall tubers are medium (70-120 g), round or oval. The peel is yellow, smooth. The eyes are small, rare. The flesh is yellow, when boiling does not boil soft. Tasting evaluation on a ten-point system 9 points.
 potato casserole
Remarkable high taste potential varieties

Breeding history

The German breeding system is structured in such a way that it satisfies state interests and seed needs of the private sector. About 35 German enterprises specialize in potato growing.

New varieties of potatoes pass the strictest selection, only then a license is issued for the variety. Potato Gala - the best development of German breeders. In the Russian State Register, the variety Gala is listed in 2008, recommended for use in the regions:

  • Volgo-Vyatka;
  • Central;
  • Northwest.


Varietal features Potato Gala determine the following characteristics:

  • the form;
  • skin color;
  • the color of the pulp;
  • growing season;
  • yield;
  • appointment.

Characteristics of the variety Gala are given in the table.

Potato Characteristics Potato Gala, values ​​of characteristics
the form elongated oval
skin color yellow
color of pulp yellow
growing season 70 days
purpose dining room
Yield (t / ha) 4
 potato field
A yield of 4 tons per hectare is considered high.

Advantages and disadvantages

The table of advantages and disadvantages of the variety Gala allows to make a comparison, facilitates the selection.

Dignity of Potato Gala Disadvantages of Potato Gala
high marketability of tubers (90-97%) poorly tolerated drought
high yield (4 t / ha)
keeping quality
low starch content (12%) weak immunity to rhizoctoniosis
disease resistant: cancer, common scab
can be grown on any soil
grows in any climate


Fans of gardening are constantly experimenting. Use unusual means for the care of plants. Many recipes relate to potatoes. Some can be tested in their garden for potato Gala.

Top Seeding Potatoes

The essence of the method - top dressing potato gala at the stage of germination.

For the experiment will need:

  • sawdust;
  • water (10 l);
  • superphosphate (2 tbsp. l);
  • urea (2 tbsp. l);
  • copper sulphate (1 tsp);
  • boric acid (1 tsp).
Dissolve all fertilizers in water and moisten sawdust with this water. When the first sprouts start to appear from the peepholes, put the Gala seed potatoes into the boxes, sprinkling rows with sawdust dipped in the solution.

The result of such germination is white shaped roots, emergence of shoots in several days after landing. The specified amount of fertilizer is designed for processing 50 kg of potato gala.

Rye bed

In the autumn, the area where the Gala potatoes will be planted in the spring will be sown with rye. Seedlings will appear quickly, with their greenery they will decorate the autumn garden. Close up in the ground is not necessary, in winter the stubble will delay the snow.

In the beginning of April to plow a plot. For 3-4 weeks, the remnants of rye will perepreyut, you can plant potatoes Gala.

pros from sowing rye:

  • rye roots loosen the earth;
  • it is a complete organic fertilizer, it fertilizes the soil as well as manure;
  • destroys weeds (even wheat grass);
  • kills pathogens.
Must pass at least 2 weeks from the date of embedding in the soil. Rye should decompose completely.
Pre-planting rye helps prepare the ground properly

Simple rules of planting and care, carried out in the right time, strict adherence to crop rotation, healthy seed - what is needed to get a good harvest of gala potatoes.